Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Diagnosis of Uterine Cancer

Endometrial Hyperplasia is reliable ways of diagnosis

Endometrial hyperplasia is a disorder that is believed to be one of the pre-disposing factors for the development of uterine cancer. This disorder is brought by different hormonal alterations in the body. The public views this disorder as cancer itself or a developing uterine anomaly. Most of us are not yet aware about how diagnoses are read and interpreted.

Endometrial hyperplasia involves alteration between two hormones. Estrogen is the hormone responsible for the development of female sex characteristics. It has a growth-stimulating factor that induces the thickening of the endometrial wall. It induces hyperplasia or cellular proliferation in order to prepare the endometrium for possible conception. The other hormone, progesterone, works as its regulator. Progesterone regulates the phase of cellular division in order to prevent excessive endometrial thickening. If conception does not occur, the endometrium sheds off in a form of menstruation.

The condition of endometrial hyperplasia occurs if the production of progesterone hormone becomes altered. If progesterone levels drop, the cellular division increases due to the absence of regulation. This excessively thickens the endometrial wall because of the continuous induction of estrogen. If this situation is prolonged, further complication may develop. Atypia or cellular abnormality arises if cells are exposed to too much levels of estrogen for longer periods. The diagnostic procedures for this disorder are vastly available in almost all hospital setting. The common problem is the understanding and interpretation of these diagnoses.

There are different grades to be understood in terms of endometrial hyperplasia. The common diagnoses that the health care providers give are as follows.

Relatively Benign. This diagnosis depicts endometrial hyperplasia but most likely belongs to simple to complex without atypia category. This is has the least risk among all the diagnosis. The chances for uterine cancer progression are very low.

Probable Benign. The hormone stimulation is present and cellular division is active. The hormone alteration is probably taking place. This condition is also less risky but medical follow up and continuous monitoring is necessary. This condition is usually alleviated by simple hormonal therapy.

Precancerous changes and cellular aggressiveness is observed. This type of diagnosis is very risky and requires immediate attention for further prevention. This stage is commonly experiencing a complex hyperplasia with evident atypia or abnormality. If this condition is not resolved, progression to uterine cancer might occur.

Cancerous. This diagnosis is the most dangerous of all. It indicates positive cancer cells proliferating in the uterine cavity. This requires immediate oncology management for treatment and prevention for its further progression. Such conditions usually lead to Atypical Adenomatous Hyperplasia, Endometrial Adenocarcinoma, Adenocanthoma, Endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia and invasive carcinoma.

These conditions are malignant and may require the patient to undergo hysterectomy or the removal of the whole uterus in order to prevent possible spread. This condition is very devastating for most of the females because their capacity for conception is greatly at risk. Knowing the interpretations of different diagnoses can serve as the life saving knowledge for us. This leads to early prevention which is primarily the most effective treatment for health anomalies especially cancer.

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Hormonal Therapy As a Treatment for Prostate Cancer

There are several ways on how we can stop the cancer cells from invading other important organs of the body. As long as the patient cooperates, the methods are really specialized and tested to haveconsiderable effects. If we set aside the complications and side effects of the different kinds of therapies, there are methods that are less harsh but create a slow response from the patient.An example of the less harsh method is hormonal therapy. As the term suggests, it uses hormones. How does it stop the cancer from spreading? We will be discussing the details of how hormonal therapy helps in the total elimination of the cancer cells out of the body.

Hormonal therapy is another cancer cell-removal method apart from the typical radiation therapy and surgery. We know very well that the prostate gland constitute the male reproductive system. At the same time, it aids in the secretion of sexual hormones of the body.Say for instance, testosterone is one type of sexual hormone produced naturally. Since prostate gland is one piece within the sexual reproductive system of the body, it aids in the secretion of testosterone. This is just the positive side of the prostate.

On the other hand, the production of testosterone, which is a category of male hormones, fuels the growth of cancer cells within the prostate. To prevent the cancer cells from spreading rapidly throughout the body, the production of these sexual hormones should be put to halt.

Hormonal therapy is employed to block the production of hormones of the body to lessen the risk of cancer cell growth. At the same time, while blocking the secretion of these hormones, it can lead the body to gradually cope to the changes of the body processes little by little.There are four different ways in implementing the medications to block the secretion of the hormones. The first process is the blocking of the androgen. This process includes medication and injections to block the androgen secretion. It is also known as anti-androgen process.

Another medication employed is called the LH-RH agonists. The third one is directed to the adrenal gland of the body. Remember that adrenal gland is the gland responsible of secreting hormones for reflex reaction and emergency hormones as well. Since the hormonal process is to block all types of hormones, the medication should target the gland that produces the hormone.

Another medication is directed towards the estrogen hormone.Basically, the hormonal therapy will put a block on the glands that carry out and have a big role in the secretion of the hormones in the body. Since these glands are the key to making the therapy a success, it is very essential to start from it to eliminate the hormones totally.On the other hand, it is a gradual process and requires patience. Since vital body functions and processes are affected, it is deemed necessary to make it a gradual change to allow the body to adjust to the changes and cope with it. Hormonal therapy is one way to stop the growth of cancer cells, if other methods are not applicable.

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Treatment of Uterine Cancer

Treatment of Uterine Cancer

Treatment of Uterine Cancer  is depend on the basis of grade and level of the cancer. Standard therapy for this treatment is Abdominal hysterectomy, which involves in the surgical removal of the woman's uterus along with both the ovaries and fallopian tubes, washing of the abdominal cavity to determine malignant cells and the selective removal of the aortic and pelvic lymph nodes. Many doctors prefer usage of hormone therapy that removes the possibility of metastatic cancer. Again, women also opt for radiation therapy for the treatment of their uterine cancer.

Although treatment is a possibility for Uterine Cancer, still you should take immediate action after noticing the symptoms. Don't let it reach a level from where it cannot be cured!

Some of the symptoms of Uterine Cancer

* Pain in the pelvic region.
* Pain while urinating.
* Bleeding from the vaginal region.
* Difficulty while urinating.
* Discharge from the vagina.
* Painful sensation while indulging in sexual intercourse.
The treatment is not the same for every woman. Many factors have to be taken into consideration. Factors like age, advance of the cancer etc. have to be kept in mind.

Alternative treatments also exist for uterine cancer:
* Following special types of diets.
* Acupuncture.
* Meditating also helps.
* Taking sufficient quantity of vitamins.
* Visualization and Spiritual healing.
Contact Person:  Dr. Sudip Raina

Address: C 3, Batra Hospital Housing Complex,
1 Tughlakabad Institutional Area, MB Road,
New Delhi – 110062

Mobile:  9871147237